New system for creating a custom webpage for your members to see when they log in!
Everything from links, to buttons, to photos is supported
Page may be published and unpublished at will (hides it)
Financials Dashboard
Complete overhaul of financials dashboard. Data shown is now more accurate, relevant, and useful. Thank you to everyone who gave great feedback on this screen and how we could make it more helpful
Reports have been added to the financial dashboard in a way to accomodate both cost-based accounting and accrual-based accounting
Member Management
New “Interests” tagging system. Interests may be set on members. Unlike normal tags are visible to members, and can even be managed by them.
Events now have a new visibility option “Members With Tags”. Allows you to attach tags to an event, and that event will only be visible to those members in their portal
General Changes
Custom fields may now have “Roles” set for visibility. This lets you hide the value of custom fields to certain audiences (i.e “only the rabbi can see this” or “members may not see this”)
Added helpful instructions for setting up custom domains for the member portal in your org settings
Improved the performance of the settings screen
Invoices are no longer sent if they have an outstanding total of $0 upon creation. This change will be relevant for synagogues that are using a Free product to track exempt members